Types of stress differ depending on the nature and duration of exposure to external and internal factors. The body can experience physical and mental overload on negative and positive events.
Chronic stress is especially hard to bear, which depletes vital resources and leads to neuroses, depression and somatic disorders. That’s why it’s important to understand stress mechanisms and be able to successfully cope with them.
What Is Called Stress
The word “stress” is of French origin. It’s a state where our bodies and minds are under increased tension due to various factors.
Hans Sellier, a Canadian scientist, formulated the theory of stress. He proved that when faced with various stressful situations, such as pain, fear, cold, danger, the need to run fast, blood loss, emotional shock, and other unfamiliar factors, the body triggers special defense mechanisms, with physiological processes proceeding in approximately the same way.
This process requires significant mobilization and adaptation of the organism to unexpected situations.
Sellier also hypothesized that the accumulation of stressful influences during life leads to irreversible changes in the chemical balance, contributing to the aging process. Constant stress is particularly dangerous to the health of the brain and nervous system. In his opinion, prevention of psycho-emotional stress plays an important role in maintaining overall health and prolonging life.
Virtually everyone encounters stress in their lives. Many regularly experience physical symptoms associated with it without always realizing it.
Stress can be beneficial, helping us find new ways to cope with life’s challenges and promoting personal growth. However, if it’s excessive or prolonged, it can lead to serious negative consequences, negatively impacting our overall physical and emotional well-being.
The Main Types of Stress
Not only are there different types of stress, but there are also different classifications of stress. Depending on the events that precede it, eustress and distress are distinguished.
Eustress occurs under the influence of positive emotions. This is a positive state that helps mobilize, feel a surge of strength, and work efficiently. It stimulates us to solve everyday tasks, like completing work tasks or playing at https://ivibet.com/, activating the body’s energy reserves and helping us overcome difficulties. Its main function is to maintain and strengthen vitality.
Distress is a negative and destructive state caused by strong and prolonged negative factors. It has a devastating effect on the body, depleting its adaptive capabilities and leading to various disorders.
According to stressors, types of stress are divided into physiological and emotional stress:
- Physiological stress. Such stress is caused by factors that affect the body directly, such as excessive physical activity, cold, high temperature, and painful sensations. This type is characteristic of all living things.
- Emotional stress. Arises under the influence of threats, fears, offenses and other negative emotions. It’s characteristic of all people and is associated with the peculiarities of the human nervous system. There are different types of psychological stress:
- Emotional stress occurs when a person can not satisfy his social needs, for example, in offenses and conflicts.
- Information stress occurs as a result of the need to process a large amount of data in a short time.
Depending on how long the stress response lasts, types of stress can be divided into acute and chronic stress:
- Acute (short-term) stress. Is a reaction to a traumatic event or disaster. It can be accidents, violence, loss or death of a loved one. In such moments, a person acts chaotically, trying to find a way to control the situation.
- Chronic (long-term) stress. Develops with prolonged exposure to stressful situations. Over time, a person may not notice this stress, as it becomes habitual, like daily routine actions. Such stress often hides internal problems and traumas that are triggered by certain events, actions, or words.
Examples of sources of chronic stress include co-dependent relationships or a mentally demanding job in which one does not feel safe.
Causes of Stress
The main causes of stress include:
- Inflated expectations, excessive self-criticism.
- Relationship difficulties — feelings of guilt and resentment, deception.
- Feeling of danger or obvious threat to oneself or close people, material difficulties.
- Change of social status and working conditions (dismissal, new team, promotion).
- Difficult life situations — death of a loved one, illness, divorce.
- Important life events — wedding, birth of a child.
- Catastrophes, military actions, and crises.
Information overload can lead to information stress, especially when associated with high responsibility. This is one of the types of professional stress to which doctors, managers, lawyers, accountants, economists, executives, pilots, dispatchers, and operators are exposed.
Modern psychology distinguishes three groups of factors that increase the negative impact of emotional stressors:
- Features of the traumatic event. If it’s sudden, there was no similar experience before, it’s harder to survive such an impact.
- The state of the protective forces of the personality.
- The presence of additional risk factors. This is age, past negative experience, and social status.
How to Deal With Stress
Distraction From the Stressful Situation
If a person continues to think about what has happened and is worried, they get stuck on the situation instead of looking for a solution. To distract yourself, you need to think about something pleasant, associated with positive emotions (vacation, a pleasant event, or personal achievements).
Reducing the Significance of the Event That Caused the Stress
It’s necessary to reconsider your attitude to what happened, following the principle: “Whatever is done, everything is for the best.”
Active Behavior
It’s necessary to discharge accumulated feelings and emotions that cause stress by engaging in active activities, such as cleaning, sports, playing football or volleyball.
Relaxation Skills
Stress causes tension and increases the frequency of brain waves. Relaxation, on the other hand, decreases their frequency, reducing central nervous system arousal.